Deklaracja końcowa konferencji w Rzymie 18-22.09.2019

Statement of the MaterCare International Conference “Wither/Whither Catholic Health Care?”

Rome, 2019  


From September 18th to September 22nd, 2019, a group of international participants in the fields of medicine and ethics gathered at the Istituto Maria SS Bambina in Rome to cover matters of interest to the medical profession; including spiritual, bioethical and professional concerns. Organized by MaterCare International, the conference title, asking „Is Catholic Health Care Withering, or Whither can it go?”, was designed to draw attention to the present concerns about the future of the ministry of health care. The conference also included a symposium on euthanasia, organized by the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (Canada) and Pro Vita and Famiglia (Italy).

The year 2017 marked the 50th anniversary of the passage of the UK abortion law, the first in a Western country, that brought about a fundamental change in traditional Hippocratic medical practice in obstetrics and gynaecology. Through a process of gradualism, abortion-on-demand soon became the basis on which maternal health care was/is based. For the first time, doctors were given a license to use their skills to kill one of their patients, the unborn. In recent years, some western countries have extended the license to kill up to term and, more recently, after birth (infanticide).

Deklaracja końcowa konferencji w Rzymie.18-22.09.2019 Rome Statement- OCT 2019